Product Details
Its long, it kinda looks like a tube and its a skirt - hence the incredibly imaginative name I gave it. Its very smexy and shows off the body line well but you may want to wear this without panties as the edges of it may show through the skirt. Goes well with the Ballerina T-shirts or anything that shows a bit of belly like the , or .
Be careful not to pull or stretch the edges of the skirt as the stitching may end up looking bumpy due to the stretchy material. If it does get bumpy for some reason then iron the edges of the skirt with iron on low temperature - don't burn yourself or anybody near you - unless they are not nice.|スマートドールのボディーラインが綺麗に出る設計。や、に似合います。スカートの縁をひっぱたりすると、伸びる生地なので縫い目は凸凹になる可能性あります。なってしまったら低い温度でアイロンで綺麗に元に戻せます。
Be careful not to pull or stretch the edges of the skirt as the stitching may end up looking bumpy due to the stretchy material. If it does get bumpy for some reason then iron the edges of the skirt with iron on low temperature - don't burn yourself or anybody near you - unless they are not nice.|スマートドールのボディーラインが綺麗に出る設計。や、に似合います。スカートの縁をひっぱたりすると、伸びる生地なので縫い目は凸凹になる可能性あります。なってしまったら低い温度でアイロンで綺麗に元に戻せます。